

In the target community there's increase number of school dropout, increase rate of early pregnancy and marriages, increase rate of drugs and substance abuse.All these are fuelled by lack of school fees and poverty among communities.By enabling bright children in the community to further continue with their education will create a productive nation.Due to increase rate of poverty in the community people live from hand to mouth,to improve on the economic status of the community we need to have a vocational training center to equip the community with knowledge and skills to live a sustainable life...


The organization focus on environmental and economicsustainability.we work with small scale farmers to increase food security,production and promote environment conservation practice. The volunteer to introduce local farmers to techniques that prevent soil erosion, introduce new skills on organic farming to reduce the use of chemicals (pesticide).The project work both with livestock and food security

Agronomist or volunteers studying or training in the field of agriculture management are needed for our community in projects for sustainable agriculture development. participants who join volunteer to help in:

  • Construction of a greenhouse and farming management to increase production.
  • Introduction of new skills of organic farming.
  • Crop maintainance.
  • Planting crops like onions, maize, millet, amongst other crops introduce.Provide, demonstrate best artificial insemination breeds to local livestock farmers. The project informs educate and gives skills to the disadvantaged.


The organization does many environmental activities that include garbage collection in our nearby markets, drainage of stagnant water, clearance if bushes along the road in our local village.Since environment is most important and attractive to anyone we prefer conserving it by planting trees with a theme "Trees for better community"will improve the look of the community.we are expected to plant in markets, chief camp, schools, health facilities and along river banks especially River Nzoia that always breaks it's shores and by doing so,this will prevent soil erosion during heavy rains.with the help of stakeholders,donor and volunteers the project will be successful.


The organization has many bright disadvantaged children to be assisted,many walk to school barefoot, tattered uniform,lack books, sleep without blankets, mattress,lack basic needs and school fees,these reduce their self esteem that contribute to poor performance in school.Following our ground level survey we have discovered many of the disadvantaged children and families stay several days without eating anything some die because of hunger or steal from their neighborhood food,by establishing a greenhouse, introduce kitchen gardens and provide farm inputs will enable them to have food hence eradicate poverty.


In Kenya most of vulnerable people to be infected are the matatu drivers/touts, barmaids, commercial sex workers,long distance track drivers, motorbike riders and illicit brewers.Due to poverty many of girls and women are forced into sex business, working in bars, brewing local beers and most of their clients are from transport industry and this makes the two parties at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS infection.HIV/AIDS awareness both work place and transport industry will provide behavior change in our community.


Water in our community is a major problem, community suffers alot with water crisis.Women could walk long distance and queue for long time to get clean water.Our vision is to drill boreholes and have clean water to save lives of people and animals in our community.We therefore request well-wishers, organizations, volunteers and other stakeholders to support the project.


Community suffers most from poor health measures and lack health facilities around. Most pregnant mothers die while being taken to hospital and others deliver from home where no medical attention is given thus increase infection and diseases from mother to child and general community suffers alot from poor medical care with help of medical volunteers the community

will have an opportunity to good medical care.


Umoja Foundation Group works with different volunteers across the world who have a willing heart of helping the marginalized people in the community through their services the community is fully empowered.